4 Feb 2010 立春 is the actual day for us to enter into the year of tiger 庚寅年 not the 1st day of Chinese New Year 14 Feb 2010 正月初一. You should welcome the year of white tiger on 4 Feb 2010 not 14 Feb 2010. Thus, the baby who is born on 5 Feb 2010 is a tiger not an ox anymore.
If you are going to shift to your new house, you have to select an auspicious date & time according to the bazi (time of birth) of the family members. After the date has been determined, a simple ceremony can be carried out. It is vital to conduct the ceremony to show our respect to the Earth and the surrounding.
1. Firstly, prepare 4 sets of fruits (apple, Mandarin lime, banana and pear), some sweets and 3 cups of Chinese tea.
2. Put the things at 4 different locations i.e. North West, South East, North East and South West of your house. Hence, there should be 4 sets of fruits, some sweets and 3 cups of Chinese tea at 4 different locations respectively.
3. For those who use joss stick, pray and put them onto the fruits until they have completed burning. For those who do not use joss stick, just pray at the sectors.
4. The schedule of praying is from North West; follow by South East, then North East and lastly the South West.
5. After you have prayed at the 4 corners then you should place 柴米油鹽酱醋茶 cooking material such as rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea leaves into the kitchen. Subsequently, boil a kettle of water or cook something to symbolize that you have started to occupy the kitchen and the house.
6. The above steps 1-4 are also to be done for the Earth Breaking Ceremony, accept there should be another additional step on top of the steps mentioned above i.e. break a small piece of the wall.
However, after 4 Feb 2010, you should avoid breaking the wall at the below locations:-
1. South West sectors of your house – 5 yellow 五黃位.
2. North sectors of your house – 3 killings 三煞位
3. 52.5 – 67.5 degree of your house – 寅 Grand Duke 太岁位
4. 232.5 – 247.5 degree of your house – Year breaker岁破位
In fact you should avoid renovate the above locations if possible. However, if you have to renovate the above locations, then it is better for you to start ‘touching’ other sectors first before you ‘knock’ or break the wall of the above mentioned locations. I would like to suggest you to ‘touch’ the South in the year of tiger when you conduct the earth breaking ceremony.