Monday, August 30, 2010

Why Lee Chong Wei cannot be the real World No 1 Badminton Player?

山管人丁水管财. 山脈起伏的形态走勢像只龙, 因此山脈形态也被尊称为龙脈. 因为龙的形态走勢千變萬化, 变化莫测, 突隐突现, 忽左忽右, 神龙见身不见尾, 或起或伏, 或转或折, 龙不易令人全见, 而山脉亦然, 因此山脈形态也被尊称为龙脈.

The mountains control the people and the water governs the wealth. If there is a beautiful hill with ample of lush and flourishing plants, it will produce abundant of talented and brilliant people in that area and good for the health of the people in that area as well. If there is clean and deep water in a particular place, there will be plenty of wealthy people from the area. I will talk more about the water in my next post on “the feng shui of Singapore (part 3)”. Please stay tuned.

I love the hill of Bukit Mertajam as the shape of the hill is awesome with ample of lush and flourishing plants and hence it produces many remarkable people such as Dato Lee Chong Wei and Dato Sri Anwar Ibrahim.

However, if not because of the ‘broken hill’ as per the picture, I think Dato Sri Anwar Ibrahim should be the Prime Minister of Malaysia long ago and Dato Lee Chong Wei should be the ‘real world no 1 badminton player’. Even though he is ranked number 1 in the world ranking now but he has never won any major tournaments like Olympic, World Championship and Thomas Cup.

I always said that Bukit Mertajam is a place that full of talented guys 臥虎藏龍的佳地. There are abundant of outstanding students from Jin Sin High School and Bukit Mertajam High School. Thus, please preserve the hill well and it is good for the people in the area.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Why did Teoh Beng Hock die?

Finally, I found time to analyze the bazi (8 zi) of Teoh Beng Hock and I found out why he died on 16 July 2009. In fact, I should say I have read his 6zi and not his bazi (8 zi) as the bazi is the eight characters that formed by the year, month, day and hour a person is born but we only have his 6zi which is his birthday without knowing his birth hour.

From the analysis, the conclusion is obvious that it is the EARTH ELEMENTS that ‘killed’ him. From his birthday 20 April 1979, he is ting yin fire, the light from the bulb and there are too many earth elements surrounded it and hence earth element is definitely his unfavorable element. He died on 16 July 2009 which is a day full of earth elements. 16 July 2009 is year of earth, month of earth and day of earth. On top of that, there are too many clashes in between his birthday and the day he died. As a matter of fact, his luck period from age 25 to age 34 is also a luck period of earth and there is also a clash in between his luck pillar and his year pillar as well.
If you understand Chinese and you know how to read bazi, please click the above attachment to understand why he died on that day.

Everything in this world is talking about ‘balancing’. We do not want the extreme. For instance, a burning hot Sun makes us uncomfortable but neither do we love to stay in a place with -10 degree Celsius. In Chinese, we say 水能载舟也能覆舟 Water can help to sail a boat and if the flow of the water is too strong then it will overturn a boat. Look at the recent flood in Pakistan and China. We need water but too much of water harm us. Thus, the too many of earth elements and clashes took the life of Teoh Beng Hock.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Strong Banking results boost world stocks

The great news about the strong-banking-results-boost-world-stocks is actually in-line with my predictions-for-year-of-tiger which I posted on 1 Dec 2009 that flying star 8, wealth star is entering the middle of the palace of Flying Star, therefore, 2010 is a year of prosperity. However, 2010 is expected to continue having water related disasters problem.

In first half of the year, it is good for those who engage in the profession of water and gold (What are the profession of gold and water? Please refer to my book pages 13 and 14). Banking industry is the gold element. This is due to the fact, 2010 tiger year is Geng Yin Nian. Geng is yang golden.

Friday, August 20, 2010

This is not a good month.

Generally, I would like to advise those who are making ‘big’ decision now to delay their plans and if possible delay it to the next month as this is not a good month (from 10 Aug 2010 to 7 Sep 2010). This is because I have analyzed the calendar and found that year pillar, geng yin 庚寅年is actually clash with the month pillar 甲申月, jia shen entirely and hence, I predict that there will be more bad news this month. On top of that, it is a ghost month 农厉7月. Nevertheless, I hope that my prediction may not come true. Those who have sickly old men in the house, please pay extra attention to them. I would like to encourage people to visit the religious centers more this month and pray for peacefulness. Let us pray for the best. It actually applied particularly to those who are weak in their bazi especially those who born in the year of tiger and monkey. Please remember to practise good will. Go for blood donation or donate for the charity to minimise the impacts of any misfortune.
For those babies who are born on 10 Aug 2010 to 7 Sep 2010, practising good will is something they will have to do in their entire lives. Most likely, their parents are unable to see eye to eye with their grand parents or they are not fated to each other. They might have problems in their heads, livers, stomachs, hands and lungs.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

An Open Letter to the Chief Minister of Penang on what go wrong with the feng shui of Komtar. (PART 2)

3. The Chinese name for Komtar is 光大 which mean big fire, however, this is period 8 and period 8 is Gen gua according to the later heaven bagua and it is the period for earth. If the fire of Komtar is used to produce the earth, Komtar is in fact reducing its energy instead.

4. Also, as Komtar is big fire but there is a geodesic Dome at the South of Komtar. Moreover, south is area of fire. The energy of the fire is used to burn the gold there because the shape of the geodesic Dome is hemi-spherical and it is the shape of gold.

5. We always said that capture the auspicious qi is crucial and it is awesome for us to shake the hands of those renowned and wealthy people or stay close to them. Thus, the residence areas of those rich guys are mostly with auspicious qi. Look at Komtar now; is it a place for those wealthy men? Most of time, it is full with foreign labors during the weekend. In fact, it is marvelous that if we stay close to those wealthy men to gain the auspicious qi from those who are having amazing luck. It is even better if you can share the hands of those who are having good luck such as those who have just won a prize, won a lucky draw, ‘kena lottery’ or awarded by the Sultans.
Thank you very much. I hope with these two cents advices could give you a different view from a different perspective and wish you all the best in making Penang a prosperous state.

Yours sincerely,

Master Lee Cheng Hoe
1st Class Hon Mech Eng. University of Strathclyde,U.K.

Penang Feng Shui
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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

An Open Letter to the Chief Minister of Penang on what go wrong with the feng shui of Komtar. (PART 1)


Y.A.B Tuan Lim Guan Eng,
Chief Minister of Penang.

Dear Sir,
I know you are having a lot of headache now in handling the recent issues that happened in Komtar As a Penangite who loves Penang deeply, I would hope to provide my two cents advice to the Government of Penang on what go wrong with the feng shui of Komtar.
As a matter of fact, if you read my previous posts in my blog, you will notice that I actually have written a number of articles about Komtar as the below links:-

Dead Tree at the South West of Komtar

I notice that:-
1. It was used to be a water fountain at the South West of Komtar when the phase 1 Komtar project was completed, however the area is now without any water fountain but instead a dead tree has been placed there. If you read my post, there should be water at the South West in order to enhance the potential and capability of wealth gaining. On top of that, South West is exactly the area of earth according to later heaven bagua but instead; you will notice there is a dead tree there at the South West of Komtar. The plant crushes the earth there as the roots of tree will break out the soil/earth. Furthermore, we have to bear in mind that the qi that we require is the qi with life and positive energy. It is certainly not a good idea to place some things without any life and qi in our house or work place. For instance, the wilted plants or dried flowers. Hence, the first thing is do is to remove the dead tree at the area where both the Dato Kramat Road and Penang Road meet.

Overhead Brigde At the North of Komtar.

2. Most of the Penangites address the overhead bridge at the North of Komtar as ‘octopus overhead bridge’ but octopus has 8 legs, the overhead bridge in fact has 5 legs instead. In another word, it is an overhead bridge with five stair cases. 5 is 5 yellow in the bagua and in fact is the most inauspicious star. The 5 yellow is the earth element and it can be found at the North of Komtar. North is the area of water element. The earth of the overhead bridge actually crushes the water at the North. This is because the smooth flow of water will be blocked if you place a huge stone (earth element) there. To reduce the bad impact of this overhead bridge with 5 legs, we should in fact add another leg or stair-case to the overhead bridge to make it a 6 legs bridge as 6 is gold and gold produces water.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Ahmad Ismail won't contest for Bukit Bendera Umno chief's post

I am not surprised to read the news that Ahmad Ismail won't contest for Bukit Bendera Umno chief's post. I told my friends a few weeks ago that it is hard for Ahmad Ismail to come back as the big tree in his bungalow house has wilted strangely. I noticed it when I went for feng shui audit approximate a month ago in a bungalow residence area. His house is majestic beautiful.
We have to bear in mind that the qi that we require is the qi with life and positive energy. It is certainly not a good idea to place some things without any life and qi in our house or work place. For instance, the wilted plants or dried flowers. In fact, I noticed that a lot of girls like to place some wilted roses in their bedrooms because they are the gifts from their boyfriends…..Never never do it, please; especially we know the roses are with a lot of thorns. The thorns create inauspicious qi. In another word, do not place any cactus, knives, pictures of tiger and lion or those fierce and unfriendly animals anywhere you like in your house.
I said it is my book How to enhance your wealth with feng shui? that one of the reasons why is Komtar not doing any better than before is ….the authority concerned put a dead tree at the area where both the Dato Kramat Road and Penang Road meet. Dead plant will create bad qi. With all these, Komtar did not shine for long. Bear in mind, dead plants can only create bad qi or negative energy, therefore, if there is any leaf of a plant turns yellow, do cut it off or put the plant away.

I am going to write an open letter to our Chief Minister, Y.A.B. Tuan Lim Guan Eng and I am going to put in my blog on what go wrong with the feng shui of Komtar. Please stay tuned!

Monday, August 2, 2010

It is Time for Sabah and Sarawak to become Prosperous.

As what I have said many times in my book How to Enhance your Wealth with Feng Shui?
, we say in feng shui i.e. "Hill governs the people and water is money. 山管人丁水管财". The place where you sit 坐 is the ‘hill’ 山 and the place where you are facing 向 is the ‘water’水. Of course, we have to sit with hill at our back to gain the support. This even applied to the Emperor of China as the 永乐皇帝 Emperor who built the Forbidden City in Beijing had ordered his men to build a hill at the back of the Forbidden City. Imagine this, “Even the Emperor needed a support, how about us?” Hence a good feng shui house is a house that located on a piece of land with a higher land at the back and faces the water.

As we are in period 8 now and period 8 is from 2004 to 2023, the most powerful star of course is the star no 8 and it is at the North East and I said in my book How to Enhance your Wealth with Feng Shui?, During period 7 i.e. from 1984 to 2003, the most powerful countries are at the west. The western world controlled the world. However, we are in period 8 now hence the most influential part of the world is the northeast of the earth which is the China.

Also, I said many times, this is the time for the young men to shine as the star no 8 is at the Gen gua, which is the youngest son in the ‘later heaven bagua’. This is also the reason why this is the time whereby the young son is very influential in any family and the whole family has to put a lot of attention on the kids as it is the time which there are more and more small families around. Young married couples like to have small families instead of having a number of children like the olden days. My wife has 14 siblings but we only have 2 kids.

Therefore, obviously the star no 8 is in control now. This is only the reason why Sabah and Sarawak have started to progress in period 8. Undoubtedly, Sabah and Sarawak are the states which are assisting BN to continue ruling Malaysia after 2008 general election thus all the goodies went to Sabah and Sarawak. If you have attended any of my feng shui seminars, I like to share the annual flying star chart 2008 whereby the star was at the East and Sabah and Sarawak are at the East of Malaysia to gain the wealth during that year.

Now, look at the map of Sabah and Sarawak and also the ‘later heaven bagua’ (You may want to refer to my book How to Enhance your Wealth with Feng Shui?). The East of the Sabah and Sarawak, there is the forest of the Borneo, Indonesia and there is no water. Period 7 1984 to 2003, there was no wealth for Sabah and Sarawak as the most powerful star during that time was star 7 and it is at the West in ‘later heaven bagua’ and that was the ‘hill’ in period 7. Opposite the ‘hill’, it should be the ‘water’ and the ‘water’ during that time was at the East. As there is no ‘water’ at the East of Sabah and Sarawak, thus, there was no wealth for these two states.

Due to the fact that we are in period 8 now and period 8 is from 2004 to 2023, the most powerful star of course is the star no 8 and it is at the North East i.e. the ‘hill’. Opposite North East is the South West and it is where the ‘water’ should be. Obviously, there is sea at the South West of the Sabah and Sarawak, thus, there is wealth for Sabah and Sarawak in period 8.