Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Outdoor Fountains - Turn Any Container Into an Exciting Fountain For Your Home Or Garden

When you think of water, what are the first words you use to describe it? Most would say tranquil or relaxing. Others would say water fountains sound like rain. These are the two most common words you hear to describe water.
Outdoor Fountains - Turn Any Container Into an Exciting Fountain For Your Home Or Garden
If this is the case why don't more of us have these tranquil water fountains? Perhaps they are too expensive or too big for the area that we want to put them in. Well now there is a solution to this problem. These wonderful bamboo fountains will turn any of your pottery or vases into beautiful pieces of art. They are easy to use and most importantly they are inexpensive.

The exciting thing about these bamboo outdoor fountains is that they are all different shapes and sizes, so you have options to fit the perfect pot. Rather it is a tall looking pot or even a shallow oval pot. These bamboo fountains are very accommodating. Another good thing about these bamboo water fountains is that you don't have to hide the pot anymore by a plant, when you know you just bought that plant for the pot. And the only reason you kept the plant in the pot was because you had nothing else to put in the pot. With these bamboo water fountains you can show off that wonderful pot either inside or outside and even get compliments on them.

Bamboo outdoor fountains have an inimitable style which will fit any garden or lawn theme. It features will be perfect for those dreamy Zen gardens or for indoor spas. You can choose to have a special Japanese style, perfect for those who want an oriental feel. Depending on your container you can have an elegant fashion or with a simplistic theme.

Whatever your preference one can come up with a plan to match their garden decorative items or blend in with the yard decorations. This is a simple and inexpensive way to get those soothing sounds that water provides on a beautiful summer day.

Water is a wonderful addition to any garden. Water is truly the essence of life. Over 70 % of the human body is made of water. Over 60 % of the world is covered with water. Water is essential for all living things that we know. Is there any better way to accent water in a garden decorative setting than with a fountain? We think not. Attractive outdoor fountains can add so much character and karma to any space. Good luck with your garden this year and bring the rain!!

What is Feng Shui?

What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of placement. A few thousand years, the Chinese were concerned with placing their homes in a protected position against nature's vagaries. Analyzing land formations and the surrounding energy flow for harmony and balance gradually evolved into a formal practice.

Feng Shui means "Wind and Water". Both wind and water in large amounts can be very damaging so the ancient Chinese learned that building a home high on a hilltop left it vulnerable to strong currents. Placing the home in a valley where there was a water source such as a river caused concern for flooding safety.

The "just right" position was determined to be at the base of the mountain, protected from the wind and yet far enough from the water to be safe. This configuration was known as the belly of the dragon, but any comfortable, safe site was said to have good Chi, the vital Life Force Energy that flows through the Universe.

We are looking for the "just right" position and feeling for your personal spaces: home, office, room, garden and property.

When you know that your home is your sanctuary, you open up to a new support system that balances personal passions with stability and serenity".

Please continue reading to learn how to bring balance and harmony into your surroundings. How to map your house, office or work place to increase wealth, love and health

Feng Shui Bedroom

Here are all feng shui bed tips you need to know

We cover all you ever need to know about feng shui bed tips and rules in your bedroom. Don't worry…Our feng shui bed and bedroom tips are easy to understand and apply to your situation, whatever it might be.....
Your bedroom's feng shui has a huge impact on your sleep, health and happiness as well as your relationships and sexuality.
Once you create good feng shui in your bedroom, positive results will surprise or maybe even pleasantly shock you.

* · The best feng shui bed tip: Position your bed correctly

First and foremost, we start to talk about position and look of your bed. According to feng shui bedroom rules, your bedroom needs to feel protective and restful as we are most vulnerable when we sleep. Correct bed position is crucial, if you want to achieve positive feng shui in your bedroom, improve your relationship, health....
Find the best bed placement by following the feng shui commanding bed position rules:
Your bed is physically very close to you, therefore according to feng shui rules, it greatly affects you.
* find the best place for your bed according to the placement of the main bedroom door (see pictures below)
* place bed as far from a door as you can.
* make sure you can see the main door from your bed but don't be in front of it (see death position - picture C below)
* make sure the bed's headboard have a solid wall behind it so you feel secure as well as in command of your own space
Simply said, place your bed so you can see when somebody enters the door. Feng shui explains that this will put you in control of your life, you will see new opportunities in your business or "the one" that your heart wants to meet.
Another important feng shui bed tip warns that you should never place your bed on the same wall as the main door to your bedroom. If you can't move your bed to another wall, place a small mirror opposite to the main door so you can see the door in the mirror when you open your eyes (don't place mirror so you can see yourself while in bed). See picture A below for this Feng Shui bedroom cure.
Even if you can not apply ever principle of Feng Shui bed position rules, try to apply as many as you can. Follow our Feng Shui bedroom cures section to do cures for the rest.
Feng shui bed tip: Always place you bed in the Commanding position

Improving Work and Career and Get Helpful People in Your Corner With Feng Shui

Feng Shui is the ancient art of placement. According to this ancient and effective practice, moving certain objects in your environment affects you very directly positively or negatively.

Here are two opportunities to give this incredible philosophical and practical process a try.

First opportunity: Many people--too many--are incredibly unhappy in their careers and jobs. To gain clarity and ignite the fires of positive change, let's concentrate on our career corner. Many careers are tied to our ultimate purpose during our lives. When combined, work CAN be play, and life is enjoyable and livable; not just bearable. We will use the word "career" which will include profession, purpose and life's work. Now, let's give this a go.

Check our reliable bagua, and find your career area (you can easily find a sample bagua/map which clearly shows you areas in words). As in any other area, you can have multiple career spaces. For example, you can have one in your office space and another in your home as a whole or within one of your rooms. As with your other areas you can have your career area in a small space like a desk. I will continue to emphasize that the point is the intent and energy you use within that space is what matters. You can usually find your career area on the center  "north"  geographically speaking or your personal lower area-in reference to your body, that is the middle/center spot of any of your spaces.

Once you have identified your career area, you can create and make adjustments that work for you. I cannot say it enough but the more creative you are and fun you have, the more enjoyable and effective it will be.

You can place objects and use colors which are of various deep tones such as deep blue, black, in this space. The color white can indeed also be used as well as metal as a secondary element.

Items that symbolize what YOU identify as professional success and happiness which are balanced with the rest of your life are strongly recommended. Try to use what is for your highest and greater good and what is truly meant for you. Symbols like fish, seascapes can be placed here. Also, conditions and ideals that are of personal significance can be used. For instance, you can put on a piece of paper pictures or written words of ideal salary, working conditions, schedule style, travel or lack of it, etc. Use general descriptions of qualities you want as well as values.

The element for this space is WATER. You can use a small water fountain or clear/white bowl of water in your corner too.

Second Opportunity: Whether you need outside help for your career, love life, health issues, social calendar, or something more personal, adjusting your helpful people corner will provide you with the energy shift you desire. As usual this works best when you stick with general requests not specific persons because sometimes we don't know who is best for our highest good. Let the universe take care of that part of things. Remember the helpful person(s) can take various forms so keep your eyes and mind open. Now let's proceed.

Again, check the reliable bagua, and find your helpful people area. We will continue to emphasize that the point is the intent and energy you use within that space is what matters. You can usually find your helpful people area on the "northwest" corner geographically speaking or your personal lower right hand spot of any of your spaces. You can begin to create and make adjustments that work for you.

Let's review examples of what we can use in your helpful people area. You can place objects and use white, grey tones and black colors, in this space.

Items that symbolize the qualities you want in a helpful person and are balanced with the rest of your life are strongly recommended. Try to use what is for your highest and greater good and what is truly meant for you.

Symbols like wind chimes, fresh flowers, paintings and pictures with spiritual significance like angels, Christ, Buddha, teachers, mentors, wise elders can be placed here. Also, conditions and ideals that are of personal significance can be used. For instance, you can put on a piece of paper pictures or written words of ideal type of assistance you need, etc. Use general descriptions of qualities you want as well as values.

The element for this space is METAL. You can anything made of metal and place it in this corner (stay away from knives or other sharp cutting objects. Have fun and be creative.

As always remember not to let the North, South, East, West directions confuse you. You simply go by the bagua and the space you are in. Not the outside world. So for instance when you enter a room or are looking at a specific space, see yourself in the center of the map. In front is Recognition, reputation and fame, to your right in the upper corner is romantic relationship, to you right/center is family, right lower corner helpful people, et

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Crystals Feng Shui

Why Hang Feng Shui Crystal?
Feng shui crystal spheres are a powerful ancient way to use their positive energy to deflect large amounts of negative force. This simple feng shui cure allows you to create important changes without the need of remodeling or redecorating your rooms. You can feel positive crystal effects immediately, on you and your environment.
Multifaceted crystal balls can help you:
- expand areas that are dark, close or narrow, as each crystal facet sends light in a different direction, as it radiates energetic light out
- add new energy to "empty" places in your home such as narrow hallways, unused rooms, etc.
- attract positive energy to important rooms, such as bedroom, home office, study area etc.
- harmonize confusing energy entering your rooms
- protect you from the energy of poison arrows by refracting and redirecting that energy towards more beneficial flow
- provide soothing, beautiful and empowering visual stimulation
See Our Selection of Swarowski Crystals
The best crystals to use:
The best crystal spheres are made by adding 30 percent lead oxide to pure glass. When hit by the sunlight, these crystal spheres scatter prismatic colors, energizing rooms and shift energy in your house. We only recommend and sell genuine Swarowski Feng crystal spheres. They have the best, well known quality and the brightest effects.
Recommended feng shui ball sizes:
-50 millimeter diameter (2 inches or larger) are very powerful and highly recommended
- 40 millimeter diameter (1.5 inches or larger) and 30 millimeter (1.25 inches approx) would be the minimum size to use for feng shui cures
-20 millimeter (0.75 inches approx) are not recommended for important feng shui cures, however can be used for feng shui decoration and minor enhancements.
How to hang feng shui crystal ball:
Hang your faceted crystal spheres in the top and middle part of your windows. Use small nail or pin to securely attach the ribbon. All crystals should be hung on 9" or 9 cm or any multiple of 9 (18, 27...) long bright red string for the greatest results.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Why the Malaysian Government is trying to cool down the high valued properties?

In first half of 2010, it is good for those who engage in the profession of water (What are the profession of gold and water? Please refer to my book pages 13 and 14). Banking industry is the gold element. This is due to the fact, 2010 tiger year is Geng Yin Nian 庚寅年. Geng is yang gold hence the performance results of those financial industries are undoubtedly excellent

Yin (tiger) is plant and hence there is an adjustment in the earth element industry in the second half of 2010. The property industry is the industry of earth element. This is due to the fact that the plant is there to crush the earth. You will notice that the Malaysian Government is trying to cool down the increment trend of the high valued properties, especially in Penang Island and Kuala Lumpur. As the matter of fact, the policy to reduce the percentage of the bank loan to the property purchasers has been enforced by the Governments of China, Singapore and Hong Kong earlier this year. In fact, the period 8 (2004 -2023) is the period of earth element hence the property, beauty and cosmetic industries should continue to out-perform. Go for the stocks that involve with plant and fire elements such as medical, plantation, electronic and etc.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Feng Shui of South Korea

South Korea Flag
qian gua

kun gua

kan gua

Before Heaven Bagua

Tai Ji

South Korea Presidential Residence

Do you know that the South Korea had been influenced strongly by the ancient knowledge of I-Ching 易经? I-Ching is one of the great recoveries of men and it existed in this world approximate 6000 years ago. The word I易 is in fact a combination of the Sun 日and the Moon 月. In other word, it is a study about the yang or positive energy and the yin or the negative energy. It is a book about the philosophy of change as our Earth does not stop revolving; the magnetic energy of the Earth will not be the same all the time. Moreover, the gravitational force pull between the Earth and the Moon, Sun and other planets will keep on changing all the time. I-Ching 易经 is the core of the knowledge of feng shui, Chinese medicine, tai ji, qi kung and many more.
There are qian gua, kun gua, li gua and kan gua in the South Korea flag. On top of that, there is a tai ji in the middle of the flag. The qian gua represents the heaven or the sky; kun gua indicates the earth, li gua is the Sun and whereas the kan gua is the Moon.
Also, the South Korean Presidential Residence has been build on a piece of land which is according to the theory of the左青龙 右白虎 前朱雀 后玄武zuo qing long, you bai hu, qian zhu qiao, hou xuan wu which mean the Green Dragon, White Tiger, Red Phoenix and Black Turtle. There is a hill at the back of the Presidential Residence. The land on the left of the Presidential Residence is higher than the right. There is a piece of ample land in front of the Presidential Residence. Please refer to my book, “How to enhance your wealth with feng shui?” page 37 for the theory.