We cover all you ever need to know about feng shui bed tips and rules in your bedroom. Don't worry…Our feng shui bed and bedroom tips are easy to understand and apply to your situation, whatever it might be.....
Your bedroom's feng shui has a huge impact on your sleep, health and happiness as well as your relationships and sexuality.
* · The best feng shui bed tip: Position your bed correctly
First and foremost, we start to talk about position and look of your bed. According to feng shui bedroom rules, your bedroom needs to feel protective and restful as we are most vulnerable when we sleep. Correct bed position is crucial, if you want to achieve positive feng shui in your bedroom, improve your relationship, health....
Find the best bed placement by following the feng shui commanding bed position rules:
Your bed is physically very close to you, therefore according to feng shui rules, it greatly affects you.
* find the best place for your bed according to the placement of the main bedroom door (see pictures below)
* place bed as far from a door as you can.
* make sure you can see the main door from your bed but don't be in front of it (see death position - picture C below)
* make sure the bed's headboard have a solid wall behind it so you feel secure as well as in command of your own space
Simply said, place your bed so you can see when somebody enters the door. Feng shui explains that this will put you in control of your life, you will see new opportunities in your business or "the one" that your heart wants to meet.
Another important feng shui bed tip warns that you should never place your bed on the same wall as the main door to your bedroom. If you can't move your bed to another wall, place a small mirror opposite to the main door so you can see the door in the mirror when you open your eyes (don't place mirror so you can see yourself while in bed). See picture A below for this Feng Shui bedroom cure.
Even if you can not apply ever principle of Feng Shui bed position rules, try to apply as many as you can. Follow our Feng Shui bedroom cures section to do cures for the rest.
Feng shui bed tip: Always place you bed in the Commanding position
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