Thursday, February 11, 2010


I must say the year of ox has been another fabulous and fruitful year for me for being able to meet a number of friends who approached me for consultations. I met many people and some of them are even from overseas. Glad to see that some of them are police superintendent, medical doctors, phD, engineers, accountants, MNC directors and managers. A lot of times I made friends with them at the end of the day. They are no longer my clients and they are more like my friends. In fact I have treated them as my friends.

2009 was the year that I have the opportunity to move about and have travelled to many places for feng shui audits including China, Hong Kong and Thailand. I always enjoyed great hospitality from those who have invited me to their places. I am extremely delighted with all these and this is not what money can buy. I always remind myself that I cannot buy the friendship, sincerity and respect from my friends but instead I have to gain it.

I must say “Thank you very much, my friends.” And I really appreciate it and I would like to wish you a prosperous and peacefully Chinese New Year.

My resolutions for the year of tiger are:-
To help more people.
To upgrade my website.
To conduct a feng shui class on-line or I call it an “E-video feng shui class".
Please wish me good luck.

Not forgetting to wish you “Happy Valentine”.

我必须说牛年对我而言是另一个神话般的一年。 上天对我不薄呀! 我遇到了许多朋友. 他们之中一些甚至来自其他国家。他们之中有些是警察高官,医生,博士,工程师,会计员和跨國企業经理。许多时后我都与他们成为了好朋友。 他们不再是我的顾客. 他们更加像我的朋友. 其实我已将他们当做我的朋友来看待。

这一年我有许多机会到处东奔西跑看风水包括中国, 香港和泰国。邀请我到他们的地方的朋友都盛情地对待我。 我实在非常感恩. 所有这一切都不是金钱能购买到的。 我总提醒我自己,我不能从我的朋友那儿购买到友谊,真挚和尊重. 反之, 我必须把友谊,真挚和尊重赢回来。

我必须说“非常感激你,我的朋友”。 同时,我祝福您新年心想事成。
1. 可以帮助更多人。
2. 把我的网站提升。
3. 有个网络风水班。


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