Monday, March 22, 2010

My Visit to Sungai Buloh, Shah Alam, Old Klang and Subang

I have just come from Kuala Lumpur for feng shui audits. Kind of busy as I have to work from morning to evening but it was manageable. However, I was over delighted to receive a sms from Mr. Ngiao Tze Pin before I left Kuala Lumpur. The sms said, “Good news! My dear Master Lee, last night after the dinner, we have gone back home and did the house keeping and rearrangement according to your advice. Miracle happened today. My group sales add another RM200,000 in less than a day. Thank you very much”.

Isn’t it marvelous? I always said I have more joy if my clients would to approach me and tell me that they have noticed improvement after my consultations. The satisfactory that I gain is not what money can buy.

Talking about Mr. & Mrs Ngiao Tze Pin, they are great people and are the top guys now in Elken Sdn Bhd, a renowned health care company. Their luck paths are in-line with the reading of their bazi that they did not enjoy prosperous lives after they graduated from the universities. But their strong believe in helping people have changed their lives. Both of them have been very active in Buddhist organizations. Our ancestors said 1st is destiny, 2nd is luck, 3rd is feng shui, 4th is good-will and 5th is education. 古人说: 一命二运三风水四积德五读书. 要积德就能改命运.

4. Good will四积德 ji de – Do good and perform good deeds to make your life better. 佛教 : 因果 yin quo. In Buddhism it is the Karma, cause and effect. The preordained fate; force generated by a person’s actions. Willingness to help others is the most crucial thing to do to enhance one’s luck. Do more charity and eventually your luck will become better. 要紧记布施行善积德呀! It can determine a person’s luck. Also, we have to remember to say something nice everyday. In short, we have to do something good and say something nice everyday. Nevertheless, feng shui is not related to any religion and it is a theory by itself.

Currently, Mr. & Mrs Ngiao Tze Pin own a bungalow and enjoy prosperous lives. Can you believe someone who could not even afford a proper wedding dinner bought a bungalow and drive a Toyota Camry after 10+ years of hardwork? He is a successful man now. Hence, willingness to help others is the most crucial thing to do to enhance one’s luck.

They also have strong belief in feng shui. Their bungalow 坐亥向巳, 八运阳宅, 旺财旺丁 period 8 house facing (SE3) South East 3. Please refer to my post earlier as per the below link for the auspicious house facing in order to enjoy good feng shui. I think it is an important knowledge if you are looking for a house.

You may want to write to Mr. Ngiao Tze Pin and I think he would be happy to share his experience with you.

Thanks all my friends for the hospitality during my visit to Klang Valley.

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