By applying the theory of the 5 elements, we can explain the change of dynasty in China. Ming Dynasty with the name Ming 明 is a Sun with a Moon. The Sun represents strong fire. Whereas, the Ching Dynasty is with the name of clear water 清. The water of the Ching Dynasty 清朝 put out the fire of the Ming Dynasty 明朝.
Prior to the Ming Dynasty, China had been ruled by the Mongolians 成吉思汗Genghis Khan 元朝who came from northwest of China and Mongolians are called golden people 金人 and the northwest is the direction of gold therefore fire dissolves gold! Hence, the Ming Dynasty 明朝 had managed to defeat the Mongolians.
Ching Dynasty 清朝 was in fact destroyed by Sun Yat-sen 孫中山as Sun Yat-sen’s name is a mountain which undoubtedly is the earth element. Earth crushes the water as the huge stone stop the smooth flow of water.
On top of that, Mao Zedong 毛澤东eventually managed to defeat Chiang Kai-shek 蒋介石 because 东 is east and it is the direction of the plant element and the plant crushes the earth. From the name Chiang Kai-shek 蒋介石, we know that this is a name of earth as shek 石 is stone and it is a hard earth. In fact, there is another name for Chiang Kai-shek 蒋介石 is called 蒋中正 means square and square is the shape of earth. Thus, plant crushes the earth.
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